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Salem, MA

The Peabody Essex Museum

The Peabody Essex Museum

The famous, or perhaps infamous, Salem is one small town that is know both far and wide. The 1600’s Salem witch trials and the notoriety those events still garner today means that the town features and attracts a lot of, shall we say, interesting people. There are places like the Witch Museum, the Salem Witch Trails Memorial, the Burying Ground Cemetery and a lot of other shops and associated witch, witchcraft and occult related stuff/places.

Salem also has other interesting places to see and visit. Many of these other entities bemoan the witch related crowds and merchants but all kinds of people come to town for all kinds of reasons.

The Peabody Essex Museum is one of the oldest museums in the country. The House of Seven Gables is found in town. This mansion inspired the novel of the same name. The author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, lived in a home that was moved and now resides right next to the mansion. Close by is the Salem Maritime National Historic Site. There you will find a sailing ship tied up at a dock and a small National Park Service building that holds maritime information.